Energy Strategy by Government Decision nr. 1535/2004
Source: ANRE
Law 134/18.07.2012 for the approval of the OUG 88/12.10.2011 regarding the amending and completing the Law 220/2008 on establishing the promotion system of electricity production from RES
Source: ANRE
Ordinance (GO) 22/2008 regarding energy efficiency and promotion of the use of renewable energy to final consumers
Source: ANRE
GD no 750/2008 for the approval of regional state aid scheme for the development of renewable energy sources
Source: ANRE
GD. 553/2007 on amending and supplementing licensing and authorizations in the electricity sector, approved by Government Decision no. 540/2004
Source: ANRE
Order 28/2010 for approving the technical connection Opinions
Source: ANRE
Order 04/2012 on trading update limit values of green certificates and green fee certificate purchased, applicable for 2012
Source: ANRE
Order 05/2012 on the establishment of mandatory share purchase green certificates for 2011
Source: ANRE
Order 37/2012 amending and supplementing the Rules of accreditation of producers of electricity from renewable energy sources to promote the application of green certificates system
Source: ANRE
DIRECTIVE 2009/28/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 April 2009 pon the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC
The Commission communication of 10 January 2007 entitled ‘Renewable Energy Roadmap — Renewable energies in the 21st century: building a more sustainable future’
demonstrated that a 20 % target for the overall share of energy from renewable sources and a 10 % target for energy from renewable sources in transport would be
appropriate and achievable objectives, and that a framework that includes mandatory targets should provide the business community with the long-term stability it needs to make rational, sustainable investments in the renewable energy sector which are capable of reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels and boosting the use of new energy
Source: EUR-Lex
COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS - Investing today for tomorrow's Europe, 28.01.2009
The Commission therefore proposes a set of three specific initiatives focused on the EU's key energy goals. First, support for strategic interconnection projects to help address some of the shortcomings in infrastructure today. Second, investment to maintain the development of offshore wind as a reliable supplier of renewable energy. Third, bringing forward a number of carbon capture and storage demonstration projects, to allow energy producers striving to cut emissions to retain the option of fossil fuels.
Source: EUR-Lex
• Green Certificate (GC) is a document that certifies that that wuantity of energy was produced using renewable sources. The certificate shall be issued in electronic form and can be traded, separately from the amount of electricity that it represents.
Green certificate market is a separate market for electricity market which is dependent on competitive mechanisms, namely the supply and demand of green certificates.
Supply of green certificates is the number of GC issued by OTS E-RES producers. Trading GC is the competitive system, bilateral contracts market and / or GC centralized market (monthly) from RES-E producers and suppliers of electricity to final consumers and is not subject for trading electricity.
For GC and vocational functioning of these markets demand through promotion system adopted quotas were established mandatory annual maximum sustained energy. Thus, electricity suppliers are obliged to purchase an annual number of green certificates equal to the product of the amount of the mandatory quota of green certificates acquisition set for the year and the amount of electricity supplied to final consumers annually.
Number of GC needed a supplier to meet mandatory share purchase GC in a given year must be equal to the product of the amount of annual mandatory quota and the amount of electricity supplied to consumers served in that year.
Parties that are part of the scope of green certificates (GC) are:
• Transmission System Operator - TSO, as the issuer of green certificates;
• Economic operators accredited by ANRE for the benefit of promoting the green certificate system;
• Network operators, where the power plants producing electricity from renewable sources are connected - to confirm the production of electricity from renewable energy power supplied by economic operators;
• Individuals holding units / plants producing electricity from renewable sources, receiving promotion system based on green certificates issued by ANRE accreditation decision.
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